Category: Innovation


People who know me have commented that they feel special in my presence.  One of my friends in college described it like this, “When I’m around you, I feel like I can run through walls!”  That feeling my friend described is what I’d call the art of excitement.   People have also asked me how…
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This blog was inspired by an entrepreneur I’ve been blessed to help.  She sent me a text and asked, “How do you write your business goals?”  What I shared is what I’ll share with you in the remainder of this blog.   First, let me make a case for writing goals down.  Fitzhugh Dodson said,…
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When I was a child, my parents often drove through the area where they grew up.  As we rode, this particular house always caught my attention.  It was under construction, but you could tell it would be impressive.  It was a ranch house with a brick exterior and two car garage.   As I got…
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Talk or Someone Else Will

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who could benefit from your business services, but you didn’t mention what you do?  Perhaps this was an exercise in humility.  You didn’t want to sound arrogant by broadcasting what you do.  Maybe it was self-preservation.  You don’t feel ready for clientele, so you don’t say anything.…
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Brand Distinction

Google is known for creativity.  BMW produces the ultimate driving machine.  Wal-Mart is known for low prices.  Campbell’s Soup is mmm-mmm good!  Every company has something that should be blatantly obvious to their consumers.  It’s called their brand distinction.   If you’re in business, you should have brand distinction.  You need something that makes you…
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From Bad Moves to Boundless Miracles

If you’re in business, you’ll likely make bad moves.  It may be releasing a product before you’ve proven its sustainability.  It may be relying on a vendor whose turnaround time lags behind your optimal schedule.  It may be hiring or hanging on to an employee whose integrity or initiative does not propel your venture forward.…
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Getting to Y.E.S.

If you’re in business in any capacity, then you have likely wondered how to get customers to say yes.  In this age of conscientious consumers, where people are more intentional when they spend, how do you get people to invest in your product or service?  In times when large corporations dominate consumer markets, how do…
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Rebounding After No

You just gave the best pitch to date.  It was incredible if you do say so yourself.  The conversation couldn’t have gone better if you wrote it on paper.  After you finished what felt like an ovation worthy pitch, the potential client looked at you and said, “I’m not interested.”   If you’ve ever had…
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It Needs Work

Andy Stanley offered astute insight that has helped me throughout my leadership experiences.  He said, “Etch your vision in stone, but pencil in your plans.”  While your vision may be solid, there will be times when your plan for fulfilling the vision will need work.   Perhaps this is where you are.  You have a…
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Lock In

My favorite leader, Jesus, excelled at everything.  Whether performing miracles, preaching heart-changing messages, or pardoning the guilty with mercy, He was (and is) the greatest of all time.  One of the accomplishments often overlooked on His resume of excellence is His laser focus.  He understood His purpose and locked in, and He did not waver.…
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