Category: Team Development


People who know me have commented that they feel special in my presence.  One of my friends in college described it like this, “When I’m around you, I feel like I can run through walls!”  That feeling my friend described is what I’d call the art of excitement.   People have also asked me how…
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When I was in college, my dad wrote letters to me.  He always used a section of each letter to affirm me.  I’ll always remember how that section made me feel.  Irrespective of the obstacles I faced, his affirmation always inspired me to reach the goals I had set.   I’m a witness that affirmation…
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Staff Training

What decision(s) can you make to experience lasting success for your business?  Is it implementing cost-savings strategies to ensure maximum profit margins?  Should you update your policies and procedures to ensure you operate within the legal parameters for your industry?  Perhaps you could invest in proven marketing strategies to expand your reach and attract potential…
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Let Them Try

When your business reaches the potential you’ve imagined, chances are it will be larger than you can handle alone.  Simply stated, you will need help.  You don’t have to wait to achieve your potential to enlist and empower your support staff.  You can train an all-star team of employees while your business is still in…
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