From Bad Moves to Boundless Miracles

From Bad Moves to Boundless Miracles

If you’re in business, you’ll likely make bad moves.  It may be releasing a product before you’ve proven its sustainability.  It may be relying on a vendor whose turnaround time lags behind your optimal schedule.  It may be hiring or hanging on to an employee whose integrity or initiative does not propel your venture forward.


If you make a bad move, there is good news.  First, bad moves are common.  Second, bad moves don’t have to be the end of your business venture.  You can rebound and resume business at a high level, or in a different industry, after failure.  Bad moves can lead to boundless miracles!


Consider Thomas Edison as an example.  A quote I love about him says, “On the 10,000th try, there is light.”  This means he had 9,999 bad moves before he discovered a boundless miracle.


Moses is another example.  He murdered someone, and then he fled to the wilderness to escape pending punishment.  That was a bad move.  While in the wilderness, however, he gained valuable experiences that led to him becoming one of the greatest leaders of all time.


What did Moses gain in the wilderness that was so valuable?  Let me share:

(1) PERSONAL: Moses had an uncommon start to his “career.”  He was discovered in the Nile River by the daughter of the leader of Egypt.  He grew up in the palace and was treated like a prince.  He had access to wealth and resources.


In the business world, Moses might be called an “overnight success.”  He went from poor to prosperous in a matter of moments.  He made it to the top without struggle.


In the wilderness, however, the journey was much slower.  It took 40 years for Moses to rise from obscurity to relevance.  This taught him patience.  He needed this, because it would later take 40 years to achieve the success God promised him in leading the Israelites from Egypt to Caanan.


One thing you can learn after a bad move is patience.  The journey back from a bad move is often slow, but that’s OK.  You’re developing patience.  Let me remind you: good things come to those who wait.  Isaiah said it like this, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31, KJV).


(2) PROFESSIONAL: While in Midian, Moses picked up a new trade.  He became a shepherd.  He was responsible for the care and well-being of a flock of sheep.


While employed as a shepherd, Moses acquired a new “product” – a staff.  He thought it was to guide and defend the sheep, but God had other plans.  He showed Moses a new way to use the staff – for performing miracles.


When you’re bouncing back from a bad move, you can also develop professionally.  Maybe you will become proficient at a new trade.  Perhaps you will discover a new way to use a product.  your professional competencies and product creativity can develop after a bad move.


Thomas Edison found boundless miracles after 9,999 bad moves.  Moses because the CEO of the largest “corporation” of his time after a bad move.  I believe the same thing can happen to you.  Grow personally and professionally after your bad move, and I believe and declare that you will discover boundless miracles.  Your next great idea is on the other side of your rebuilding process.  Get ready for the success you’ve always imagined.