It Needs Work

It Needs Work

Andy Stanley offered astute insight that has helped me throughout my leadership experiences.  He said, “Etch your vision in stone, but pencil in your plans.”  While your vision may be solid, there will be times when your plan for fulfilling the vision will need work.


Perhaps this is where you are.  You have a clear vision, but your plan for achieving it needs work.  Maybe you have an incredible business idea, but your strategy for delivering it failed.  This post is for you.


In Luke 5:17 – 20, four men had a vision.  They wanted their friend to be healed from paralysis.  Their initial plan of taking him through the door to Jesus failed.  Too many people were there, and the initial route was inaccessible.


Instead of quitting after their first attempt, they kept their vision intact and found another way to make it happen.  They climbed up on the roof of the house and lowered their friend to Jesus.  Their efforts provide a solid strategy for editing your plans while keeping your vision intact.


Here is the strategy:

(1) MOVE: These four men didn’t stop just because their first plan failed.  They kept moving.  I’m challenging you to do the same thing.  Don’t suspend your effort because your first attempt failed.  Keep moving with the intention of getting better.


(2) MEET: The four men huddled up and developed a different plan.  You must do the same thing.  If you’re working with a team, then failure is not your invitation to disband.  Stay with your team.  Continued success is in your unity.


If you read the story about these four men, you’ll notice they didn’t just meet in the place where they failed.  They also moved to the roof.  You may also need to meet outside of your normal environment.  Retreats are an awesome way to move forward collectively.


Finally, don’t forget the point of your meeting.  The four men talked until they developed a plan that everyone agreed on.  That’s your goal.  When you meet, talk until everyone agrees.


(3) MODIFY: The four men kept their vision intact, but they modified the plan.  After they saw that they couldn’t get through the front door, they tried the roof.  The roof provided a perspective they couldn’t see from the ground.


While they were at the door, the men couldn’t see a clear path to Jesus.  From the roof, however, they could see gaps in the crowd and determine how to get to Jesus.  This is what this step is all about.  When you modify your plan, find the gaps in your competition’s products.  Then, capitalize on what they have missed.


(4) MARKET: The four men lowered their friend down to Jesus.  They literally brought their “product,” if you will, to the consumer level.


When you market your product after it has been modified, make sure you lower it to the consumer’s level.  Communicate the modifications in an exciting, relevant, and simple way.  Make sure they notice you out of the crowd of others in your industry.


(5) MONEY: When the four men brought their friend to Jesus, He healed him.  The four men got what they sought.  I believe your story will end the same way.  If you keep moving, meet with a purpose, modify your product, market it with excitement, you will get the payoff you’re expecting.  You can alter your plans and still achieve your vision!