If you’re reading this blog post, I have good news for you.  The times we’re living in are the times you should live for.  Leaders are most evident in crises.  These times are the stage, and you’re the star.  This is why you were born.  It’s time to lead, leader, and there’s no better time than right now!


So, what are you waiting for?  Maybe you need a push – some motivation to do what you’ve been waiting to do your entire life.  Or, maybe you just need a strategy  You’re ready, but you want to make sure you move strategically and avoid unnecessary setbacks.  My friend, this blog was written with you in mind.  It contains two strategies that will push you to lead during the times you’ve been looking forward to your entire life.


You remind me of the Apostle Paul in Acts 27.  While he was on a ship with 275 others, a tumultuous storm arose and endangered their lives.  Amidst uncertainty, Paul emerged as a leader worth following.  He demonstrated two things that will be instrumental as you transition into your season of leadership:

(1) HAVE OPTIMISM: When people aboard the ship feared their lives would end, Paul beamed with optimism.  Notice what he told them: “But take courage!  None of you will lose your lives, even though the ship will go down” (Acts 27:22, NLT).  Although Paul was acutely aware of the pending danger, he did not let it influence his outlook.  His message was full of optimism: “Though an undesired change is forthcoming, we’ll be alright.”  True leaders embrace the reality of problems while promoting positive outcomes that should alleviate concerns.


(2) HAVE AN OPINION:   In times of uncertainty, people need certainty.  This is where leaders are critical.  By having an opinion, specifically about strategy and the role of your team to guarantee success, leaders provide the stability people need to overcome instability.

Paul masterfully demonstrates how to share an opinion when others feel overwhelmed.  First, when some of the sailors decided to jump ship, Paul said, ‘You will all die unless the sailors stay aboard” (Acts 27:31, NLT).  Paul had a specific opinion about their role in the success of the larger group.  He told them they were critical to everyone’s survival and that leaving prematurely would jeopardize everyone’s life.  When leaders share their opinion on important matters during crises, they settle people who would otherwise flee rather than finish a journey they began.


Now, how do you implement these leadership practices?  Here are some practical suggestions:

  • If you own a business and have a team of employees or volunteers, embrace the uncertainties you face with optimism.  Remind them of their role in the solution, and have an opinion about how you will work toward it.
  • If you own a business and don’t have a team of employees or volunteers, practice being optimistic and having an opinion.  Create scenarios and address them like you would to a team of employees.
  • If you just enjoy reading this blog for personal development, craft an optimistic opinion about how you will thrive in this pandemic.  Remind yourself that you were born for times like these, and COVID-19 is the stage where the best version of yourself will emerge.


Don’t let these unprecedented times rattle you.  You are alive because the world needs you right now!  It’s time to lead.  Have optimism.  Have an opinion.  And, by all means, lead, leader!