People who know me have commented that they feel special in my presence.  One of my friends in college described it like this, “When I’m around you, I feel like I can run through walls!”  That feeling my friend described is what I’d call the art of excitement.


People have also asked me how I create that kind of experience for people.  My reply is simple.  I sincerely believe that everyone deserves at least one person a day who is excited to see them.  In other words, I’m very intentional when I interact with others.  I try to create an experience that helps others have a better day after they leave my presence.


Speaking of showing excitement about others, that’s exactly what Paul demonstrated in Philippians 1:3 – 6.  Here is a portion of what he said, “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.  Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy …” (Philippians 1:3 – 4, NLT).  His words reflected genuine excitement and appreciation for the Philippians, whom he served in his role as an Apostle.  I’m not sure how the people in Philippi felt after reading Paul’s words, but I suspect they may have been inspired to “run through walls.”


What if your business had that type of effect on people?  What if your business made a difference and not just a dollar?  What if your company impacted people while increasing profits?  What if your employees secured smiles in route to sales?  Can you imagine the kind of world we would live in if people made a big deal about one another?


I challenge you to incorporate the art of excitement into your daily business endeavors.  Here are some things to consider if you want to show genuine excitement about the people you meet via your business:

(1) REALIZE THEY ARE PEOPLE: The people whom you encounter through your business are not just customers.  They’re not simply potential income.  They are people who are crowned with “the special favor of God,” as Paul so eloquently said in Philippians 1:7.


People are the visible manifestation of God’s creativity.  They are the products of His thoughts.  He made them in His image and likeness with a status just below angels.  People are as amazing as the God who made them.


When you realize who people are, it’s easy to be excited about them.  Seeing people is a sign that God is still in control.  Act accordingly, and watch how people respond in your presence.


(2) RELISH IN THEIR PURPOSE: Paul says the Philippians were his “partners in spreading the good news about Christ …” (Philippians 1:5, NLT).  This expression underscores their purpose.  They weren’t idle people who let time pass by.  They used their time purposefully to assist Paul in his work.


The people you meet in business also have a purpose.  In fact, they probably buy things from you to fulfill their purpose.  Take a moment to discover their purpose, and after you do, relish in it.  Get excited about it like it was your own purpose.  As they achieve milestones, celebrate with them.  Let them know they have someone in their corner who is excited about what they have accomplished.


(3) REINFORCE THEIR POTENTIAL: Paul’s note to the people in Philippi also included a note about their potential.  Notice what he said, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” (Philippians 1:6, NLT).  He not only expresses excitement about their present, but he reinforces their potential.  He essentially says, “Your best is yet to come!”


The people you meet in business also have potential.  Reinforce it!  Encourage them as often as you can.  Let them know that they haven’t reached their limits.  They can go farther, faster, and achieve everything they have envisioned.  You never know how far your belief in their potential will go!


I believe everyone deserves to interact with at least one person who is genuinely excited about who they are.  Why not be the business that specializes in making people feel like you’re excited about them?  Realize they are people, not just potential customers.  Relish in their purpose.  Reinforce their potential.  If you’ll be excited about people, then I believe and declare that your business will make a difference and not just a dollar.